Wednesday, January 16

I call him dad

So this is the post dedicated to my dad. Be forewarned that this is loaded with pictures and this is just a long post in general. Congrats if you reach the bottom haha. Anway, I really have looked up to my dad my whole life, we have had so many adventures to California together and I'm still planning on the one that is coming up ;) not so subtle? oh well..ha
He's just the kind of person that you can jam to Phoenix or Depeche Mode (90's people c'mon haha) even though we both know we sound like dying animals haha.. But the great thing is he totally gets me. I can go to him with any problem, seriously any problem and he just understands. Also, just a little personal but I've always been very self conscious about my nose and I've learned over the years the I am darn well proud of my nose, it's been in the Bird family for generations and from amazing artists (my grandpa was a painter, i'll have to dedicate a post to him in the near future...) so why change it or be ashamed of it? For a while there I seriously was considering plastic surgery. Not a lot of people know that about me except for my closest friends and obviously my parents--who said it was ultimately my decision. I had a heart to heart with my dad and he has had the same feelings in the past when he was made fun for having a big nose. I decided a long time ago that I need to be more comfortable and proud of who I am and where I came from.....
So sorry about that little rant but back to my dad.. 
I'm just really proud of him because he has made his name in the world of Disney and it kind of freaks me out that he has fans and people that email him and follow him through Facebook that love and know his work to a tee. I was a little shocked too when I found out my dad has 1,074 friends on Facebook. Yes ladies and gentlemen 1,074. I have what?..392? Oh and a he has a twitter account. Who knew?

So here is my daddy:::::

David Bird
My Uncle Mike (Left) Dad (right)
What a stud
So here is what my dad does:::Along with his job at The Museum of Art at BYU-Provo he is a Disney Artist--he does stained glass--it's always been his dream to be a Disney Artist and to this day he has accomplished his dreams. Here is a little taste of what he has done::::

In the Kiln

Workin' on it

Finished Product.
You can find more information about him here, just click on David Bird or go to his website here. He has had his pieces auctioned off in Disney Land, I've gone with him to a couple of the events that he's been invited to and they are so beyond cool and right within the Disney Parks. And he's met some pretty cool people along the way--Dave Avanzino has been one of these cool people--he's also a Disney artist, he's become a real family friend I highly recommend looking up some of his work. Here are some events::::

Some of the cool people he's met:::

Original Tron Cindy Morgan with One of my dads peices

The Twilight Saga Part 2 Michael Sheem
Artist Tara McPherson

ICarly say wha?
 That's ma daddy right therr. Just one question. Why the heck hasn't he taken me to do this?!---->

The board he's ridin on has been in our garage for the LONGEST time.What the heck?! Why are we not using it?!

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