Wednesday, January 16

Home Sweet Home

People I am finally home! I know, I know I've been home for a while now, but I feel like I'm still getting used to being home and not going to school...until Spring--April. I'm actually kind of excited about going back and meeting new boys people and my new roommates! I actually really miss my roommates! This is on a completely different note but I have to tell you guys because it came out of no where, I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning from who knows what...It was a couple nights ago and I'm completely fine--My family and I are watching Morning Glory (really good movie by the way) and I go into my front room to lay down because my stomach feels kinda sick, then I run upstairs because it's getting pretty bad..2 seconds later....ugh throw up. Sorry. Too. Much. Info. Anyway, it was just bad for next couple of days but I'm over it, luckily. Oh and the only good part about this poisoning stuffs is I lost like 4 lbs woo! Haha but in the worst possible way. I don't recommend it and don't try it at home.
K but seriously, I have more songs.
Yup music rules my life right now.

Imagine Dragons Radioactive -- I found this through watching The Host chills. gotta see it.
 Natasha Bedingfield Strip Me
 Foster the People Houdini
 MGMT Electric Feel
 The Middle East Blood
 ZZ Ward Put the Gun Down   
Phoenix Fences

It was so funny because my mom came into my room today and she was like, "what the heck happened to your room?" 
I was like..."I unpacked." 
Here are the results:::  

Before Unpacking

After Unpacking (sorry about the bra)


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