Wednesday, January 16


So Today my dad brought up that he had to go down to Cali for his Disney Job--which by the way I should show you all by now because I think he's pretty cool :) 
So I just happen to be listening and I'm like "oh my heck can I come?!" His answer was a definite maybe. I cannot tell you how much I want to get out of Utah and Idaho! And I'm sick of snow, bring on the heat! 
This is another pretty random post but here are some pictures back when I was in The Rexing burg...and here is the recipe for the meatloaf (very easy..I mean if I can do it you sure as heck can too... and it comes out amazingly yummy)  ::

The best meatloaf ever! Made by moi 

Just a day in the life---before class
Roomie (you know who you are) likes to take pictures of me with my camera as I get ready..and then change the colors and settings haha.

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