Tuesday, February 5

DIY Heart Mobile

I found this idea here over at beingbrook.com these are her pictures (I give all credit to her) but I seriously want to do this before I go back to college and I'd like to share. My last roommate Brittany hung colored lanterns above her bed and I thought it was such a cute idea, even if this is supposed to be a Valentines DIY project, I can keep it up all year can't I?

Supplies you will need:

Old Lamp shade or something circular like an embroidery hoop.
She purchased her shade at Goodwill for 3$.
Heart Punch
Old Book
Fabric or Ribbon

Punch out a bunch of hearts, then start sewing them together. But before sewing each section of hearts together pull the thread from your machine out about 10 inches so you have a string at the top to tie to the lamp shade.

Take two hearts and put them together and sew down the middle of them. Then she backstitched on the very first heart and on the very last heart for stability.

6: 16 hearts long (put these in the very middle)
6: 13 hearts long
6:11 hearts long
6: 9 hearts long

Take the paper off your shade and you will end up with one large metal hoop and one small metal hoop. Cut your fabric into a 1/2 inch strip or use some ribbon. She spray painted the top hoop white so that parts not covered with fabric would still be white.

Hot glue and wrap the fabric around the hoops.

Tie all your hearts on with the 10 inches of thread you left on to top when sewing.  She put the 15 heart sections in the middle and then alternated around the edges 9 heart, 11 heart, 13 heart.  Tie the middle hoop to outside hoop with a few pieces of ribbon or string.  You could even use strong fishing line if you didn’t want to see it.  Attach a string in the middle for hanging.  Once the mobile was hung up she folded all the hearts open to give them the 3D effect.

 and Voila! You have just made yourself a 3D Book Page Heart Mobile!

Workin' it Out

I have some more workout music! I'll probably just randomly pop in with some workout music every once in a while. I only have two songs but here they are::

Cheryl Cole Call My Name

The Saturdays What about Us

I mean c'mon if this music doesn't motivate your body to move, I don't know what will.
The second song--the group totally reminds me of The Spice Girls haha, you guys probably already know but they have their own show on E! I am pretty much obsessed along with watching the Kardashians.

Monday, February 4


A couple of night ago I came across a movie/documentary called Happy on Netflix---> The description reads-- Happy takes viewers on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. Combining real-life stories and scientific interviews, the film explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion.
Via Pinterest
Overall I really recommend that you watch this because it is a feel good type documentary but it makes you think about what truly makes you happy. While I've been home, I know I haven't used my time wisely or to the fullest. I find myself spending ridiculous amounts of time on the internet--facebook/blogs..but the thing I tend to do is compare myself and my life to others and I just leave feeling empty and not good enough. I think that is my biggest downfall I know it's easier said than done but I'm going to make it a goal to stop comparing myself to others.
Another one of my downfalls is that I always say when I _______, then I'll be happy. When I lose 5 lbs, then I'll be happy. When I graduate college, I'll be happy... I put my happiness on hold because of an insecurity or flaw of mine. I just want to make 2 goals to stop comparing myself to others and to just be happy now. I don't know how long it will take but these are my top goals of 2013.

Via Pinterest


So if you haven't noticed, this blog has had a huge facelift. I wanted my blog to be simple but classy, the last blog design I felt was kind of cluttered and not completely what I was going for, so I hope you guys like it! Let me know!

Simple and Homemade

So because of tight budget and unwillingness to go to Target or make a product order, I've been really into making my own homemade face wash/ exfoliates/ healthy hair products...But with things I have in my own pantry. I like the idea of there being just a few ingredients, but ingredients I already have. I'm sure you have all heard of taking things like egg whites and putting them in you hair because it is said to make your hair shine and more healthy. (If you haven't, just keep reading and I know it sounds weird-->gross and maybe a little cray cray but hear me out) So I have a couple of recipes I'd like to share because I am currently trying each one of them out..at this very moment I have the baking soda/ water mixture on my face right now. 
This is the first recipe (which is so simple):::

Exfoliating Face Mask
2 Tbsp Baking Soda
2 Tsp. Water

and that's it! Mix it together in a little bowl until it is a nice thick paste, add more paste or water if you think you need more to cover all of your face. I would recommend starting with a clean face and hands. Cover all of your face in a gentle circular motion and leave it on for about 10-15 minutes and rinse away. After I usually just put a little moisturizer on my face and your done!

So this 2nd recipe I found where? None other than Pinterest (no surprise there, pretty sure these recipes are all over Pinterest) And I wouldn't be surprised if you've already seen or heard of this recipe either but here it is::

Teeth Whitener
Tooth paste
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. peroxide
 Put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a small cup, mix in one teaspoon baking soda plus one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and half a teaspoon water. Thoroughly mix then brush your teeth for two minutes. Remember to do it once a week until you have reached the results you want. Once your teeth are good and white, limit yourself to using the whitening treatment once every month or two.

Let's talk Coconut Oil:: this can be used in so many different ways but the two ways I use it is::
Eye Makeup remover (+plus side makes your eyelashes grow longer and healthier)
Hair conditioning treatment

I mainly use it as a deep conditioner/ hair conditioner treatment ^^ :: 
I massage a couple tablespoons of coconut oil into my hair and (if I don't have anything very important the next day) I leave the oil in my hair overnight. If you can't do overnight? I massage in the oil and wrap my head in a warm towel for a couple of hours. Then I shampoo and my hair feels silky smooth.

This is the infamous Egg Yolk treatment (yes. you can officially call me crazy. but as of being home I have a little bit more time on my hands)
I first heard of doing this from one of my friends in like the 7th grade, no joke it was a long time ago, I thought she was crazy and it just sounded gross. And here I am years later telling you all that I am indeed making it a goal to do this often. Long hair here I come.(Desperate? Maybe a little.) so here's the recipe::

Simply mix 2 egg yolks with 2 Tbsp of olive oil, dilute the mixture by adding a cup of water and then slowly and thoroughly massage this mixture into your scalp. Give it about 15- 20 minutes to absorb all the nutrients and then rinse off.