Thursday, September 27

Even though it's not Monday.....

So you can handle another song..right? This is from Jaymee Dee (new favorite artist)! She also sings Tip Toes (also an obsession right now) check her out yo!!
p.s Have a Gangnam style day tomorrow ha!

Grunge Chic

Fall in Full Swing

I cannot tell you how excited I am that Fall is finally here, for the most part. That means taking out all those comfy chunky sweaters and cheetah print scarves, layering, head scarfs, boots, maxi's with chunky sweaters..haha you get the picture? It's the perfect season for like a grunge look, hence the title of this post. Also, I'm thinking about having a Music Monday...cheesy? Maybe a little, but I have so many songs that I want to post, but that might be a bit much in one post...?  Anyway, enjoy these items that NEED to be in my closet very soon!
-Via Pinterest

Wednesday, September 26

Take A Walk

I know, I know I am awful at this whole blog thing but I promise to be better....? It has been a crazy couple of weeks with all this new college type homework and meeting all kinds of new people. Tonight we are going country dancing..yes, yes I know what you are thinking...Country dancing.. really? Yeah I never thought I would say it either but it's actually a lot of fun! I have been converted to the country side of life. Anyway, I'll be better at stopping by and telling ya'll what I've been up to...Enjoy this song I came across the other day and LOVED.
(Did ya catch how I said ya'll haha)

Wednesday, September 5

Finally Moving In!!

Whelp. Tomorrow is move in day..I am finally moving into Colonial Housing at BYU-I. It's crazy to think I'm a college student now! It's funny to think that I felt so old when I graduated high school but now I feel like a preschooler going in for her first day of school all over again! I am super excited to meet my new roommates though! And actually meet them...Facebook doesn't count's just crazy because I feel like I've left my life back in Utah and all my friends(especially my best friend)- I'm not the kind of person that likes a lot of change and let me tell you this is a BIG change! New house, New people, New place, everything is new! Wish me luck!!